Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Fragmented Life of Dorothy Lawrence

Part of being in the MACCT program includes doing the Final Project at the very end of the year. For these projects they hire some Professional Writers to come in and write an original piece specifically for them to perform. They been working on this final project since November when they first met the 3 Play writers who were going to be working with them this year. The Writers met all of the Students and then they were divided into 3 different casts. Each Cast was going to have a different writer and director and they would be working within their smaller groups for the duration of the final semester.  Steven's final project  is called The Fragmented Life of Dorothy Lawrence, and its a story that is based on the life of Dorothy Lawrence. She was a Woman living in London during WW1. She was a journalist and dressed like a man and made it all the way to France so she could be at the front lines. The story tells us of her experience during the war and what happened when it was over.
Its actually a really well done play and I enjoyed watching it. They had a rocky start at the beginning of their rehearsals and everyone was wondering whether they'd be able to pull it off. I won't get into all of the details, but there were problems and it took a while for everything to get sorted out. In the end the cast had about 10 days to really rehearse and pull the show together. I'm So proud of what they were able to accomplish. It really is a strong show and I'm happy everyone involved is happy with the result.
The show opened last weekend here in Glasgow, which is when I got to see it. They are currently in London this week performing down there, and then next weekend they'll be in Edinburgh. Steven was really excited because his Dad is teaching at Oxford this week and was able to see Steven perform his show last night. I know it means a lot to him when his parents get to see his shows too, so I'm happy he was able to. Plus, he's going to Glasgow this weekend to see the boys and me so we're all really excited about it.
But, what's crazy is that when they're done performing, that's it.. Steven's done. Its just amazing how fast this year has gone. We are a week away from our year mark when we left the States. It surely doesn't feel that way. But, I guess that's how most things in life are. When I think about my cute Rhys and Gavin and how old they are now, it doesn't feel like they should be so big. I swear they were just born yesterday. =)
Anyway, here are some pictures of the show that some members of the Program were able to take so people can get an idea of what the show was like. Enjoy!
Side note: If you notice, Steven looks a little different in this show. They made him keep his hair after As you like it, and they had him grow a mustache since its more historically accurate. Steven's not a big fan of it, but I kind of like it. It reminds me of how he looked when we first got married so I feel all nostalgic about it. But, get a good look in these pictures because he fully plans on shaving his head and growing the beard back once the show is over!  =)

The end is almost here

Well, its official. We have our plane tickets to fly back to San Diego on Sept. 27. I am both excited and scared about this next adventure. This is the moment Steven and I have been planning for since we got married 8 1/2 years ago, so its exciting. But at the same time, we have been in our comfortable cocoon of School Attendance since we got married and its scary to leave that. I'm so proud of Steven and everything that he has accomplished this year. I know this is where we were supposed to be so I just need to hold onto that knowledge as we head back and look for a job.
Right now I am busy getting the flat cleaned up and organized. They have a huge list of things that need to be clean in order for us to get our Deposit back, so I've already started on that. We also are trying to save some money by only taking 4 suitcases back with us instead of the 5 we came with. We don't want to pay to check another suitcase if we don't have to, so we have been diligently going through everything and deciding what's really important for us to take back. Its actually been easier deciding what to leave here then it was deciding what to leave in Cedar City. I think its because I knew that whatever we took to Scotland was going to be ALL we had while we are here, but when we go back we still have all our stuff in Storage. It doesn't feel like we'll be left with nothing. So that's good.
Its also been a little emotional lately. Sometimes I find myself just staring out our flat window, looking at all of the things that remind me that I'm here, in Scotland. I've definitely cried a few times at the thought of leaving such a beautiful place. Luckily, all I have to do is think about my family and how wonderful it will be to be so close again and that cheers me right back up. Its always hard to leave a place you're comfortable with but you usually go to some place that's better. I'm just hoping that's the way it is for us this time.
I've also gotten a little emotional lately when I realized just how much weight I've gained while being over here. I was expecting to gain some, since there are all these amazing new foods that I knew I was going to want to try. So, its not a complete shock. I was just hoping that with all of the walking we did while we were over here that it might keep the weight a little more at bay. Sadly, it didn't work. I don't have a scale here, so I don't know EXACTLY how much I've gained, but I know its got to be about 30 pounds. Maybe more... who knows. The only thing that comforts me is the knowledge that most people, on average, gain about 10 pounds on vacation. We've lived here a whole year so it really could have been worse. A LOT worse. Of course, Steven didn't gain any. He didn't lose any either, but he didn't gain either. HOW DOES HE DO IT!?!?
I've been gearing myself for the diet I will be starting again when we go back. Luckily, my Mom and Little sister Kati decided that they needed some good motivation to lose some weight themselves. They decided to do a Biggest Loser Challenge. Everyone who wants to do it is welcome, but everyone who joins has to pay $10. They're starting on the 15th and going to the 23th of Dec. That's 99 days. Whoever can lose the most percentage of body weight (Not actual pounds, which is nice) will win all of the money. There's at least 10 people that I know of who are doing it, so the winner will get at least $100. That's pretty good incentive. I'm excited to get to join them. Of course, I won't be able to officially start until the 27th because we don't have a scale so I don't know my starting weight. But, I guess that means I will just need to work that much harder. Wish me luck. Hopefully I'll be posting some good news in December. =)
Also, here are a few pictures we've taken these past few weeks.
Rhys on his first day of school. Primary 2!
 Gavin looked so cute during his nap, we had to take a picture.
 The boys playing video games together. We definitely have a house full of boys!
 Poor Gavin fell and hit his face on the ottoman last night. So sad!