Friday, August 5, 2011

San Diego Trip!

So, for months now we have been looking forward to our San Diego trip. Since my parents moved there, we've obviously been there a few times, but THIS time we were going for Steven's family! Steven's Poppy was turning 80 and wanted the whole family there to attend his 80th Birthday Party. So, we all got to come. (Except for Braden who is still serving his mission in Alaska until next month. He was missed, but we are all very proud of him.)

Our little family ended up leaving on Wed. the 27th at 7:00 at night and driving through the night. We arrived at my parents house, (where we were staying since Grandy and Poppy's house was already so full) at around 1:00 in the morning. Not too bad of drive, and the boys did great.
Thursday, the 28th, we all got together at Grandy and Poppy's house and decided to go on a picnic. It was crazy, there were 19 Grawrocks all hanging out in a park. Definitely my way of hanging out. =) Grandy and Poppy also treated us all to dinner, which was amazing of them. We went to the Soup Plantation, which was delicious. I've also decided that the best way to eat with a lot of kids is at a Buffet. Then they don't have to wait impatiently for the food.
Friday was DISNEYLAND! Since we wanted to make the most of our time there, we had to leave at 6 in the morning to get there by 8. Well, since we were staying with my parents, we actually left their house at 5:40 in order to get there, so we were extremely tired. But, it was SO worth it.
Rhys and Gavin were absolutely amazing at Disneyland. Rhys had done it before when he was almost 3, so we figured he would do well again, but this was Gavin's first time. He figured out the lines, was patient with us, and even took a nap. We're very proud of him. Rhys went on all the big rides he could, including Space Mountain, Star Tours, Splash Mountain, and Big Thunder. He was our Daredevil and would go on anything everyone else was going on. The only one he wasn't tall enough for was Indiana Jones, so maybe next time.
Rhys also got to meet Rapunzel and Flynn from Tangled. We had to wait a little bit, but they were such good characters. They played with Rhys, and Rapunzel even tried to get Gavin involved (He was just too shy) At one point Flynn crouched down and asked Rhys to give him a high five. Rhys did, but Flynn told him he could do it harder then that, and to really dig into it. Rhys did, and Flynn fell over backwards. He told Rhys to warn a guy that he was so strong, he wasn't expecting that. Rhys' reply, "Yeah, I am strong." Everyone in the room thought it was hysterical... that's our Rhys for you. =)
Gavin's favorite ride was either the Teacups or Dumbo. We tried to spend as much time in Fantasyland as we could so that Gavin would get to have fun as well. I think it was a successful trip, and we can't wait to take the boys back there again.
Saturday was Poppy's party, and it was a lot of fun. We got to meet all of Poppy's friends and enjoy a delicious dinner. Grandy and Poppy were kind enough to invite my parents as well, so it was fun to get to have them at our table. It was fun hearing some of the stories Steven's Dad had to tell about Poppy and it just made me love him all the more. I'm extremely honored to get to be a part of the Grawrock family.
Saturday night was probably the most memorable moment for us since we went to put the boys to bed at my parents and then just went back to Grandy and Poppy's house to visit. Just the two of us. All of the Grawrock's were there, except obviously Braden, and we just spent the evening reminiscing about old stories. It was fun because there were a few things that I actually remembered. Its kind of fun being a small part of the family for such a long time. =)
The hardest part was leaving that night because we had to say good-bye to everyone for who knows how long. We're not sure when we'll be back from Scotland, and we don't know when and if any of them will be able to come to us. I'm just really glad that we got to see everyone one more time before we left. I've also decided that going on big family vacations is a wonderful bonding experience and when Rhys and Gavin get married I hope to take all of us on one. Who knows if it will actually happen, but its the plan for now.

On Sunday since all the Grawrock's were gone, we just hung out with my family. They have a brand new back yard, so we barbecued and played some lawn games. Rhys LOVED Bocci ball. He was pretty good, although he did cheat a little. Gavin's favorite thing to do was throw the white ball, but keeping him away from all the other balls was a challenge. We also played Crochet. Rhys needed help with his mallet, but he at least got the concept. Gavin liked to "Help" Daddy on his turns. It was pretty cute.
Monday we ran a few errands with my Mom and then drove home.
It was such a fun trip, and we were really sad when it came to an end. But, at least we know we have even more fun things in store for us.