Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas in Scotland!

This year has been amazing! We have had so many surprises and blessings. I feel so unworthy of all of the love that we have received from friends, family, and most importantly our Heavenly Father.
I was really worried that this years Christmas was going to be a sad one for our family. Most of my family was going to be at my parents house this year for Christmas and this is the second time that I have missed out on being there with everyone. Plus, being in a whole different Country, I was worried that I might have some homesick problems. But we have felt the Spirit so much these last few weeks. There just wasn't time for me to get too homesick, and that is a HUGE blessing.
A few days before Christmas this year I received a text from a Lady in our Ward (I'll keep her name private) asking me if I was home because she wanted to drop off a Christmas Card for us. I told her yes and about 20 minutes later there was a knock at the door. She was carrying a huge Christmas bad which she handed to me. She gave me a hug, told me Happy Christmas and that she was following a prompting and that she wouldn't be at Church on Sunday so she wanted to bring it by now. Then she just turned and left.
I was shocked and speechless. When I looked in the bag there was presents in there for each of us, a ham, a bottle of Sparkling Grape juice, and a package for a Scottish Trifle. It was amazing and so incredibly sweet. Especially since Steven and I didn't have a lot of money this Christmas so we decided to just get stuff for the boys. They each got one thing from us, one thing from Santa, and then whatever the Grandparents got them. We didn't buy anything for each other, so it was nice to have the extra little present. We also had stood in the Grocery store for about 10 minutes trying to decide if we should get a ham or chicken for dinner. We wanted the Ham because it seemed more "Christmasy" but it was so much more expensive then the chicken.. so we ended up just getting the Chicken. So it was really nice to be given that wonderful ham as well.
Then on Christmas Eve we had the Missionaries over so they could Skype their families. One of the Elders, Elder Ihalmo is from Finland and so they celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve so he wanted to talk to them then. Elder Trawick's family just decided to do Christmas Eve as well to make it easier. Anyway, we had the missionaries over along with a guy named Levi who is in Steven's Graduate program. He wasn't able to go home and so he spent the evening with us. (He has distant family in Scotland so he spent Christmas day with them, but it was fun having him for Christmas Eve.) He also came with presents for the boys. They each got books and I'm so excited to read them to them. He also gave us some brownie bites and mini pies. It was really sweet of him.
I was able to make the traditional Wassall, even if it was a WEE bit different. It still tasted wonderful. Sadly its the only thing I was able to make.. they just have such weird ingredients over here.
Well, while they were over here we got a call from our Hometeacher asking if he could stop by and give the boys a present. He came really fast and didn't even want to come in. But I was shocked by the bag he had handed to Steven. It had two really big presents for the boys, along with 2 little ones for Steven and me. It was SO sweet of them and completely unexpected, but we really appreciate it. We had the boys wait until the next morning to open them, but they got Rhys a Rescue Helicopter with a working rope that comes down. The boys love pushing the button making the rope go up and down. They got Gavin a Rocket Ship that has 2 Astronauts and an alien that go with it. There's also a button that you push that makes it say "3,2,1, Liftoff." Gavin pushes it over and over... it doesn't get annoying at all. =)
Christmas morning was really fun. The boys woke us up at 6:45 which was actually later then we were expecting. After Steven turned the Christmas lights on we had the boys come in. Rhys was so excited. He ran right to his stocking and started to open presents. I ended up having to stop him and tell him to slow down. He was a good boy though, and waited patiently for me to be ready. Gavin immediately saw his box of cereal that the Grawrocks traditionally get in their Stockings and immediately wanted to eat it. We ended up pouring some in a bowl and he was munching on it all morning. (He even ended up eating Rhys' box.. it was very nice of Rhys to share.)
Rhys got what he asked Santa for, which is Kirby's Epic Yarn for the Wii. He also got a Sonic game for the PS3 and a book on how to draw Pokemon from Gramma and Poppy. We gave him a Lego Star Wars game for the Wii and my parents got him some books. They got 2 presents for the boys to share which were an ABC puzzle and the Backyardigans Beanie babies.
Gavin LOVES Elephants right now so he got an Elephant pillow pet from Santa. He also got some Barn animals from us. Their heads twist around and make a clicky sound. Gramma and Poppy got him an "I love Elephants" t-shirt, an animal puzzle, and a little Elephant play set.
Steven got 3 video games. Batman and Agarest from my parents and a Colossus game from his. He also got a Nightmare before Christmas Sketch book and a board game called Transeuropa from my parents that you can only get over here, so that was fun. His parents also gave him a black vest and 2 bow ties.
I got some winter boots, a beret, and some colored pencils from Steven's parents. I got the final Season of Boy Meets world, a scarf, earrings, a mini puzzle (the smallest jigsaw puzzle in the world and I did it in 2 hours. =) and my new fun toy, a Drawing Tablet, from my parents.
Steven's actually really jealous of it and wants one himself. Its kind of fun having the new "fun" toy.. usually its Steven who gets it. But I'm nice and share. =)
We both got shower sets from our Hometeacher and that will come in especially handy for Steven as he goes to London in a few weeks.
We finished opening presents in time to get ready really quickly before Ben and Olivia came to pick us up for church. There was a lot more people there then normal. About 50 total when there's normally about 40. =) We had some Scriptures read to us and then we sang Christmas Hymns between them. It was a really nice service and the boys were even good for it. I like having Christmas on Sunday.. it helps you remember the reason why we're celebrating the Holiday and I think its easier to feel the spirit.
After Church we had the Missionaries over for Christmas Dinner, along with a girl named Lauren who is also part of Steven's Graduate Program. I was really excited for her to come because I hadn't had much time to talk to her before. She's a really nice girl and I have decided that I need to go into the city and hang out with her sometime when they get back from London. =) She was so sweet and brought presents for everyone. Stockings full of American candy for the boys along with felt pictures for them to color. She also got a hat and gloves for Steven (Something he actually really needed) with some chocolates, and a beautiful scarf and Chocolates for me. It was so sweet of her. I so wish we had the means to give everyone presents. It was hard to not have anything to give everyone, especially after feeling so loved by everyone's generosity. I told Steven that when we have money again I want to make it up to everyone.. I just hope we get the opportunity to do it...
Christmas Dinner was wonderful if I do say so myself. Steven made the Chicken and it was delicious! We also had sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, rolls that Lauren brought, Devilled eggs, and some delicious pie for dessert that the Elders brought. It was an amazing day full of fun and laughter, followed very closely by peace and the Spirit! I hope that every Christmas we get to feel of this wonderful Spirit that we had and I hope that everyone gets the opportunity to feel it as well. Happy Christmas everyone!! =)
Our Christmas Tree with all the presents under it.
All of the Stockings laid out.
Steven getting ready to pass out the presents. Its his favorite responsibility as the Dad. =)
Gavin with his bowl of Cereal.
Rhys was SO excited to get his game from Santa.
On our way to Church.. aren't we cute!
Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Crookstone Castle!

One of the first weeks we were here we were able to ride a bus around town. Steven, being the more observant person then me, noticed a Castle up on a hill as we rode by. It looked so cool from a distance that we decided that one day we would take a walk and go find it.
Well we ended up waking up early on Saturday to Google how to get there. We found out its only a mile walking distance from here and since it was a nice day we were going to do it. We got the boys all bundled up and we went for a walk.
Once we crossed the bridge over the river and walked half a block we were able to see it in the Distance. With the fog and the darker sky it was kind of eerie looking and so Rhys thought it was extremely cool.
We had directions to get there, but on the map there looked like there might be a faster way to cut through one of the neighbourhoods. We figured we'd try it and if it wasn't faster that we would at least get a nice walk in. Well, I don't think it was any faster but it did make us come across this gorgeous Church. We saw it from a distance and wanted to take pictures. While we were walking around a little walked up to me. She had been standing at the Bus stop a few feet away and asked me if there was anything she could do for me. I told her we had just seen the church and thought it was so pretty that we wanted to come and take some pictures. She then told me that she is the Property Manager of the Church and asked if we would like to see the inside of it. This sounded like fun, so we told her yes and so she got her keys and let us in.
The inside was just beautiful. Exactly like you'd imagine an old church to look like. It kind of reminded me a little of the Church in Sound of Music that they get married in, only on a much smaller scale. She told us some very interesting stories about it. It was built in 1894 and that it had once been in a different location. They ended up moving it brick by brick in 1942 and finally finished it in 1946. She didn't tell us why they moved it, but its fascinating to think of the process that they went through.
There were also some gorgeous Stain glass windows. They had such amazing colours coming through them with the sun. It was surprising since they weren't that noticeable from the outside. There was also a lady inside putting together some flowers in a vase for the service the next day and she said she had a few left over so she gave them too me. They were beautiful white roses and they had the most wonderful smell to them. Of course they invited us to their service on Sunday but we told them we would have to see if our schedule would work. They had their service at 11:00 and since our Church is at 10:00 there was no way we could go even if we wanted to, but it was really sweet of them to offer. She was very nice and was able to instruct us on the best way to get to the Castle from there and then we were on our way.
From there it was only a short walk over another bridge and then we were at the bottom of the hill. Its funny because it didn't seem like that big of a deal until I started to push the Buggy up it. For some reason I was just not able to do it. Luckily I had a nice, strong, handsome man by my side who was able to take over. =)
Once we got to the top we decided to leave the Buggy at the gate so that Gavin could wander around more. (This ended up being a very wise decision because there was mud all along the trail to get to the castle and I think the buggy would have gotten stuck.) I carried Gavin up to the top and let him down once we were actually on the stones of the Castle.
The Castle was made in 1100 and was attacked in a Siege in 1489. It left only one tower standing but there were originally 4. This is also the only Castle left standing in Glasgow, which is really sad.
We walked around the whole thing before we finally found the entrance. There's only one and its a small door, so we just started walking around the wrong way.
So, you go through this small hallway and it opens up to this big room. There's a hole in the ceiling so there's plenty of light. It was then that Gavin first said "Wow." We told him he was in a Castle so he wandered around saying "Wow, Castle." It sounded more like "astle" but it was still cute.
There were a few small side rooms that were really dark and only big enough for one person to stand in. There were also a few barred windows that Gavin was quite fascinated with. Once we were done exploring the bottom floor we found the stairs going to the next one. Since they are so old they were very hard to walk up. They were stone, so there wasn't a question of them not being stable, but they were SO uneven that you had to be careful not to let your ankle twist when you put your foot down.
On the Second floor there was a railing and you could look down into the first floor. (Remember how I said there was a hole in the ceiling.) I was very sad that we missed a cute picture opportunity because both Rhys and Gavin walked up to the edge very carefully and were craning their necks from far away trying to see down. But, we didn't get the picture taken so you'll all just have to use your imaginations.
This floor had a lot less rooms, but there was a hollowed out space that was the "Pantry" and a section that said they used to lock up their personal items since there was nothing like a bank or safe back then.
There was a small archway with some stairs that led up to another floor. And once again, Steven being the more observant of us noticed there was a little ledge across from it that we might be able to set our camera on to take a family picture. We took a few and were able to get some cute ones. We're not all looking at the camera, but since there's still all smiles I think they still turned out really cute.
Anyway, we then went through the arch way and up a few stairs to find a set of round staircase stairs. They were kind of scary to go up because it was so dark, but we did it. There was a small hallway and then we were in another little room. This one had a few windows so it wasn't completely dark, but it was darker then all the others.
This is where Gavin and my journey ended because there were ladders you had to climb to keep going. Gavin tried really hard but he couldn't even get on the bottom rung and there was no way I was carrying him up there. Rhys was able to do it though, so Steven and him climbed all the way to the top. Apparently there were 4 sets of ladders so it was a good thing that we didn't end up going. They said it was neat, and I was going to go when they came back but Gavin was so attached to me I didn't want to upset him. I figure that we'll be taking a few people that come and visit us anyway so I'll get my chance to climb up.
Climbing back down all the stairs was an adventure since its a lot harder going down in the dark then going up, but we all made it safely. Gavin seemed quite happy to get back in his Buggy for the ride home and even let us put his gloves on him.
Rhys was a good sport but near the end he kept telling us his feet hurt and he wanted to go home. Luckily the walk home was a little faster then the walk there since we decided to just go back the way the directions told us to. They were also happy because Steven made them Hot Chocolate to warm their little bodies up when we got home. Something that they both have started to really enjoy. =)
All in all it was a very fun trip and something I had always pictured us doing while we are here in Scotland. I look forward to many similar adventures before this trip is done. =)
Looking at the Castle from the bottom of the hill.
Our view as we were walking up to it. We walked around the right side, but the doors just on the left around the corner there.
Looking straight up from the side.
One of the windows Gavin was so obsessed with.
This is the big room on the first floor with the hole in the ceiling. You can see a door to a small room on the right.
A picture of one of the rooms... they were quite small.
Exploring the area where they kept their items locked behind that gate.
Gavin and me waiting at the bottom of the ladder for them to come back down.
One of our first attempts at a family picture.
I think this one is my favorite. Rhys isn't looking at the camera, but he still looks cute.
Rhys and me with the flowers that the ladies at the Church gave me.
Looking up at the Church.
One of the doors of the Church.
This is the view we saw from far away that made us want to come and see it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Thanksgiving in Scotland!!

I know Thanksgiving was a few weeks ago, but I have been distracted with my drawing. I'll try and be better about posting.
Thanksgiving in Scotland was interesting. It was so strange to walk around the stores and see no decorations up. They just jumped right into Christmas after Halloween. The strangest part though, was sending Steven and Rhys to school. What, the who world doesn't recognize our Holiday.. what's that about? =) However, Rhys did tell me that they mentioned that it was Thanksgiving to his class, so it was nice to have it acknowledged.
Rhys was excited because I waited to start making dinner until he got home from School since we weren't eating until 7:00 anyway so Steven could eat with us. He was a wonderful help in the kitchen. His favorite was mashing up the Sweet Potatoes for me, but he wouldn't roll them around the marshmallows. He was too worried about his hands getting messed up. But he did hand me them to me and thought it was really funny when I kept trying to touch him with my gross hands.
I wasn't able to find stuff for Green bean casserole. Well, no fried onions, and what's green bean casserole without the onions? So we didn't have that. I also couldn't find stuff for my families Raspberry salad we always make so that was sad. And can you believe I forgot the rolls!?!? I'm very disappointed in myself. But we had Chicken (Not turkey since there was only 4 of us and Gavin wasn't going to eat it anyway) Stuffing, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, and Deviled Eggs. It was pretty successful if I say so myself. Gavin even tried everything. He didn't eat it, but he tried which is a huge thing for him. He ended up eating pancakes. =)
Black Friday was actually really fun. We woke up and got ready early so that after I took Rhys to school Gavin and I were able to ride the train into the city with him. We walked him to class and then spent a few hours shopping. I needed to get Birthday stuff for Steven and a few Christmas stuff, so it was nice to actually have a reason to shop. We were very successful in our trip and found everything we were looking for. It was nice because there were still a lot of shoppers, but it wasn't crowded and since there were not "amazing" deals, people weren't pushing each other. Definitely the way to spend Black Friday. =)
Steven ended up getting done early that day so Gavin and I met up with him and we went and had lunch. We had heard from Steven's family that we need to try Wagamama, and since there was one right by his school we decided to go there. We thought it was delicious!! Gavin didn't end up eating much (he's just so picky) but we were able to take the leftovers home and Rhys was able to have some, so it wasn't too bad.
We timed things perfectly, because after lunch we rode the train home and had just enough time to get Rhys from School. He loved seeing Daddy waiting there for him. It was cute.
Then we spent the rest of the day decorating the Christmas tree and putting up the stockings. I was really happy we found such a good deal on the tree. The whole thing was only £15, so I don't feel guilty about having one up. It just wouldn't feel like Christmas without a tree.
I have to admit, since I have so many Christmas decorations in Storage at home I was a little sad when the tree was done. There was nothing left for me to do. But, its worth the lack of Christmas Decorations to spend this Holiday in Scotland.
There are so many things we plan to do this month, I just hope that we get to do it all.