Yesterday, Rhys turned 3 years old! It was both a very fun day and a sad day. He has been going to a class called "Early Intervention" for the past year to help him with his talking and over all development. He has LOVED going, but the kids can only go until they turn 3. So, yesterday was his last day of class because he is now 3 and can't go anymore. He was VERY happy to get to go on his Birthday, but was sad to say good-bye. We were able to get a picture of Rhys with his teacher, Ms. Colette. They sang "Happy Birthday" to him and gave all the kids cookies. He even got a little crown that the class made for him. As a "Graduating" present they gave him a little yellow smiley face ball wearing a Graduation hat. It was really cute, and one of the only ways we could get Rhys to stop crying when it was time to leave. Luckily, the school is having a "Spring Party" tomorrow and they are insisting that Rhys gets to go.. so its not over just yet.
Since all of Rhys' friends are gone for the summer, we didn't have a party. But, we wanted to do something fun for him. Rhys loves to play on slides of any kind, so we took him to lunch at McDonald's and let him just play on the indoor playground a while. Since it was not quite noon yet, he had the whole place to himself and it made it even more fun for Steven and me to watch him play. He didn't even put up a fight when it was time for us to leave.. which makes me want to take him back again that much sooner.
Since all of Rhys' friends are gone for the summer, we didn't have a party. But, we wanted to do something fun for him. Rhys loves to play on slides of any kind, so we took him to lunch at McDonald's and let him just play on the indoor playground a while. Since it was not quite noon yet, he had the whole place to himself and it made it even more fun for Steven and me to watch him play. He didn't even put up a fight when it was time for us to leave.. which makes me want to take him back again that much sooner.
When we got home from McDonald's it was time for Rhys to open his presents. He had a very big pile and he was excited to dig in. He got lots of new clothes, some Spiderman sandals and big boy underwear, some books, a few spiderman action figures, 2 new board games, a puzzle, a gift card so he can go pick out his own toys, and a Spiderman water doodle book. It was quite the haul for a little boy, and he was very happy to get it. His favorite were the doodle book (We had a hard time getting him to finish opening his presents at first because he wouldn't put it down), his puzzle, and his Pokemon book. We even had to take them with us to dinner.
After Rhys opened up presents his Uncle Evan and Aunt Leslie came over to celebrate with him a little bit. Rhys got to show off all of his new loot, and he even convinced them to play both of his new games with him. It was very fun, although Rhys and I are convinced that they cheat since Evan won one game, and Leslie won the other. =) They ended up coming with us to Denny's to have some of Rhys' favorite food. He absolutely LOVES breakfast and was very excited to eat pancakes, eggs, and sausage for dinner. He was a very good boy at dinner.. even when he has his Daddy being a bad influence. (Steven taught him how to blow the wrapper off of the straws)
After Dinner it was time to go have some cake. It was just a homemade cake with chocolate frosting, but Rhys was very excited about it. He got his 3 candles and when we lit them he blew them out before we could sing. So, we lit them again and he let us sing to him this time. He was adorable and was smiling the whole time. He wasn't able to blow the candles out quite as fast the second time but he eventually got it. We cut him a piece but he immediately objected and pointed to his name. He wanted the "R" from Rhys, so we had to cut him a new piece. I was just excited that he actually said "R".
All in all it was a great day!