Monday, September 5, 2011

Gavin's 2nd Birthday!

So I'm having a hard time getting the pictures on here, so I'll just have to add those later.
For Gavin's 2nd Birthday this year we celebrated on his actual Birthday even though it was in the middle of the week. Steven was working at the Utah Shakespeare Festival 6 days a week in the evenings, so no matter what his party was going to be earlier in the day anyway. So why not celebrate it on his actual Birthday!
Since we were right in the middle of getting ready for our Yard Sale and figuring out Visa's and things for Scotland I didn't have time to do a whole lot. We pretty much invited all of Gavin's "Big" friends (basically all of our Theatre friends) over for some cake and to watch Gavin open his presents. He only had 2, one from us and a tiny one from my Mom since we're moving to Scotland soon. He will be getting Giftcards to buy something over there when we get there. But the present we got him was a Toy Story gift box set. There were 7 figures in it, all of them about 6 inches. It came with Woody, Buzz, Jesse, Bullseye, Rex, Ham, and an Alien. Gavin is a HUGE Toy Story fan and it was so cute to see him getting so excited to open them. He had seen the box at the store months earlier and had tried to open it then so Steven and I had to get it for him. Its fun to finally let them open something when you've had something for months. =)
My Mom also got him a little container of 14 Dinosaurs. He has recently really gotten into Dinosaurs. He holds them up to people and roars. Its quite cute and really enjoys his little dinosaurs. I just hope that we don't lose any before we make it to Scotland.
My Sister Kati and her husband Blake also gave Gavin money to buy a Tart at the Greenshow that night, so we also took Gavin to that. He was being weird and actually didn't eat the tart, but Rhys was really excited to eat it for him. However, he loved the Greenshow and running around the Courtyard. Since our friend Kaitlin came with me, I was able to chase Gavin around which he loved and so Kaitlin could stay with Rhys.
It was a fun day, but honestly I think Gavin's favorite part of the day was that night. After the Greenshow we took him to the fountain at the front of the Festival and Kaitlin held him up so he could play in the waterfall the fountain made. He LOVED it and of course got completely soaked in the process. I felt bad for poor Kaitlin who also got pretty wet, but she said it was worth it for Gavin. He was so wet we had to get him in his diaper for the car ride home and his shoes didn't dry out for 2 days, but he loved it. I think its the fastest he has ever fallen asleep. I put him down, left for about a minute and then Rhys came out to get some water. Gavin was already asleep. It was a very fun but exhaustive day.
I can't believe my little baby is 2 already.. the time is just going by way too fast. How do I stop it? =)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun Birthday! And you were worried it wouldn't be great, but it sounds like you all had a blast! Especially little Gavin!
