Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rhys' Assembly!

Here are some of the pictures taken at Rhys' school assembly. He was so excited when we came in. We were the second ones in, so he saw us right away and we were able to sit right on the front row. I'm so happy we were able to be there for him on such a fun day!
Waiting for it to start.
He has two teachers. Mrs. Kassidy who is sitting in front of them and Ms. Fenton who is in the back corner.
Rhys saying his lines. "Here comes Katie Morag's Mummy and Daddy. Grandma Islands with them too." He did such a great job.
They did a celebration and walked in a parade. I love how small Rhys' hat is. My cute little big head.
Getting ready to start the dance.
His poor partner had to lead him around most of the time.

He was focused more on smiling at us than dancing.
One of the pictures hanging up in his classroom that he drew. Its a teddy bear he named Gavin. =)
One of my favorites, Rhys colored our family tartan. =)

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